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  • eshop@gmail.com
₹152.10 ₹169.00

ESP 8266 - 12E

This versatile Wi-Fi-enabled module integrates a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) for light sensing, a WS2812 RGB LED for colorful visual outputs, and robust communication capabilities. Compact and power-efficient, it is ideal for IoT projects, wireless communication, and smart systems.

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₹494.10 ₹549.00

ESP32 Cam board with Ov2640

This compact and powerful module is ideal for IoT applications requiring camera integration and wireless connectivity. Equipped with the OV2640 2MP camera, the ESP32-CAM offers advanced image capture capabilities, competitive power efficiency, and robust processing performance.

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₹312.55 ₹329.00

NODEMCU ESP8266 - 12 CP2102 Based

The ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 is a versatile and low-cost microcontroller + WiFi development board designed for IoT (Internet of Things) applications. Pre-flashed with NodeMCU firmware, it enables seamless development with Lua scripts or the Arduino IDE, providing a plug-and-play solution for WiFi-enabled projects.

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₹191.25 ₹225.00

NODEMCU ESP8266 - 12 CH340 Based

The NodeMCU ESP8266 development board with CH340G chip is an affordable and powerful microcontroller that integrates Wi-Fi capabilities for IoT projects. It is designed to be user-friendly and offers a complete development solution, enabling rapid prototyping with an open-source ecosystem.

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₹148.72 ₹169.00

NODEMCU Expansion Board

The L293D WiFi Motor Drive Shield is a versatile motor driver board designed to work with the ESP8266, NodeMCU, and ESP-12E, providing an easy way to control motors for IoT projects. This shield is equipped with an L293D motor driver IC, capable of driving two DC motors or one stepper motor, and is ideal for robotics, automation, and other motor control applications.

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₹1,104.15 ₹1,299.00

ESP8266 -01 with Relay Board

The ESP8266 WiFi Single Relay ESP-12F Dev Board is an advanced development board that features the ESP-12F WiFi module and provides comprehensive features for home automation and IoT projects. It allows you to control devices remotely over Wi-Fi and integrates various components like relays and indicators for seamless operation.

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